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October’s Team Member of the Month

Here at Escapology, we take pride in our staff. Each and every day we watch as they learn and train to be the best they possibly can so they can provide the best possible experience. For October, Escapology Town Square is proud to introduce you to Airika.

Airika is a fantastic member of our team and we are happy to have someone who is so committed to the experiences we provide our guests! As our manager at Escapology Town Square has told us, “Almost every staff member agreed she was amazing this last month helping out around the venue and going above and beyond to assist the team every day.”. Airika is a star team player and we are happy to introduce her to you!


Here are a few fun facts about Airika

What inanimate object would be the most annoying if it played loud upbeat music while being used?

Kitchen sponge

What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?

Dragons, I don't care if they kill me, Dragons

What TV show character would it be the most fun to change places with for a week?

Most of the tv shows I watch have dangerous plots so I’m just gonna pass

What animal or plant do you think should be renamed?

Spinach just because I can never spell it right