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December’s Team Member of the Month in Maryland Parkway

December’s Team Member of the Month

Here at Escapology, we take pride in our staff. Each and every day we watch as they learn and train to be the best they possibly can so they can provide the best possible experience. For December, Escapology Maryland Parkway is proud to introduce you to Chanel.

Chanel is a fantastic member of our team and we are happy to have someone who is so committed to the experiences we provide our guests! As our manager at Escapology Maryland Parkway has told us, “Chanel has shown a tremendous amount of Kindness and Honesty. She has an awesome spirit and is a hard worker for sure!”


Here are a few fun facts about Chanel:

If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?

Julie Andrews

What 3 Famous People, Living Or Dead, Would You Want At Your Fantasy Dinner Party?

Prince, Simon Dominic, and Zendaya

What’s something that will always be in fashion, no matter how much time passes?

Wide leg

What Is Your Least Favorite Holiday Side Dish?

Dressing, absolutely the worst