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August’s Team Member of the Month

August’s Team Member of the Month

Here at Escapology we take pride in our staff. Each and every day we watch as they learn and train to be the best they possibly can so they can provide the best possible experience. For August, Escapology Maryland Parkway is proud to introduce you to Chyna.


Chyna is a fantastic member of our team and we are happy to have someone who is so committed to the experiences we provide our guests! As our manager at Escapology Maryland Parkway has told us, “The person I have chosen is Chyna. Although Chyna has just recently started her career at Escapology, her knowledge of the games and operations is impressive. Her personality, game master skills, and reliability makes her a strong asset to the team. I am excited to watch Chyna as she continues to thrive at Escapology.” Chyna is a star team player and we are happy to introduce her to you!


Here are a few fun facts about Chyna

What would you name your boat if you had one?

The Mortifier because I’m Rick and my boat will be Morty.

What Cartoon Do You Still Like To Watch?

SpongeBob. Nothing can compare

If You Could Dedicate Your Life To Solving One Problem, What Problem Would You Choose?

The stigma against mental health and the idea that medication is the only way to cope.

What Ice Cream Flavor Do You Think Should Never Exist?

Any food flavored ice cream. Bacon is a treat but it does not need to ever be an ice cream treat…