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Magic Portal

Save the world. Close the MAGIC PORTAL

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game backstory

Magic Portal

Votre histoire de fond

Since the dawn of time, a hidden world of myth and magic has dwelled within our own, connected by enchanted portals, hidden from the human eye. Recently, we discovered a disaster—someone has bewitched a portal guard, allowing the most foul of evil creatures to storm through! Will you accept this quest to seal off these portals and save both worlds? We need a hero!
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Magic Portal

La scène

The world that awaits you is not quite your own. Yes—your adventure will take you through familiar territory, but due to the magic rushing through the world expect enchantment around every corner! Watch a hidden world come to life—with magical creatures, hidden chests, secret landmarks, tricky puzzles and a few surprises we don’t want to ruin!
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game mission

Magic Portal

Votre mission

Using the mythical action pack given to you at the quest’s start—containing everything from goblin cards to magic coins to a wooden puzzle disc—you’ll need to hunt down a treasure trove of hidden chests. Inside these chests: radiant crystals imbued with ancient power. Discover enough of them and you can close the portal to save us all from destruction!
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